HE::Polyhedron Member List

This is the complete list of members for HE::Polyhedron, including all inherited members.

_facesHE::Polyhedron [protected]
_glHE::Polyhedron [mutable, protected]
_halfEdgesHE::Polyhedron [protected]
_holesHE::Polyhedron [protected]
_typeHE::Polyhedron [protected]
_verticesHE::Polyhedron [protected]
addFace(const std::vector< int > &corners)HE::Polyhedron
addFace(int a, int b, int c)HE::Polyhedron
addVertex(float x, float y, float z)HE::Polyhedron [inline]
addVertex(const Geometry::Vector3Df &v)HE::Polyhedron
adjacent(const Vertex *v1, const Vertex *v2) const HE::Polyhedron
adjacent(const Face *f1, const Face *f2) const HE::Polyhedron
boundingBox(Geometry::Vector3Df &m, Geometry::Vector3Df &M) const HE::Polyhedron
check(bool holesFilled=true) const HE::Polyhedron
eBegin()HE::Polyhedron [inline]
eBegin() const HE::Polyhedron [inline]
edge(int from, int to) const HE::Polyhedron
edge(const Vertex *vFrom, const Vertex *vTo) const HE::Polyhedron [inline]
eEnd()HE::Polyhedron [inline]
eEnd() const HE::Polyhedron [inline]
face(int f)HE::Polyhedron [inline]
face(int f) const HE::Polyhedron [inline]
fBegin()HE::Polyhedron [inline]
fBegin() const HE::Polyhedron [inline]
fEnd()HE::Polyhedron [inline]
fEnd() const HE::Polyhedron [inline]
GL(Polyhedron_GL *gl) const HE::Polyhedron [inline, protected]
halfedge(int h)HE::Polyhedron [inline]
halfedge(int h) const HE::Polyhedron [inline]
load(const char *filename)HE::Polyhedron
loadFaces(const std::vector< std::vector< int > > &faces)HE::Polyhedron
loadVertices(const std::vector< float > &verts)HE::Polyhedron
numFaces() const HE::Polyhedron [inline]
numHalfEdges() const HE::Polyhedron [inline]
numHoles() const HE::Polyhedron
numVertices() const HE::Polyhedron [inline]
Polyhedron(const char *filename)HE::Polyhedron [explicit]
Polyhedron(const std::vector< Vertex * > &verts, const std::vector< std::vector< int > > &faces)HE::Polyhedron [explicit]
Polyhedron_GL classHE::Polyhedron [friend]
readOff(const char *filename)HE::Polyhedron
readPly(const char *filename)HE::Polyhedron
readTri(const char *filename)HE::Polyhedron
refine() const HE::Polyhedron
save(const char *filename) const HE::Polyhedron
saveAsOff(const char *filename) const HE::Polyhedron
saveAsPly(const char *filename) const HE::Polyhedron
saveAsTri(const char *filename) const HE::Polyhedron
scaleAndCenter(float side=10)HE::Polyhedron
type() const HE::Polyhedron [inline]
type(filetype_e ft)HE::Polyhedron [inline]
vBegin()HE::Polyhedron [inline]
vBegin() const HE::Polyhedron [inline]
vEnd()HE::Polyhedron [inline]
vEnd() const HE::Polyhedron [inline]
vertex(int v)HE::Polyhedron [inline]
vertex(int v) const HE::Polyhedron [inline]
vertices() const HE::Polyhedron [inline]
writeFaces(std::ostream &out, bool includeHoles=false) const HE::Polyhedron
writeHalfEdges(std::ostream &out) const HE::Polyhedron
writeVertices(std::ostream &out) const HE::Polyhedron

Generated on Wed Apr 9 19:22:40 2008 for HalfEdge library by  doxygen 1.5.3